French Cub Camp

Our Virtual Cub camp takes place this weekend 27th / 28th March and we are excited to share our plans so far. We will add to this page as we go along and on the day will share another page for all our Presentations , Instructions , Activity information , pictures and lots of fun !

Important – Please take pictures/videos throughout the day at all stages – we generally camp together and everyone knows what everyone else is up to :)- we will share with the rest of the group (password protected) Also consider that we would like to share some pictures on the website publicly when we are done. (consent will be sought before publishing).

Please also ensure Cubs wear Neckerchiefs at all times when on “Camp”.


A big part of our normal process is “Plan” , “Do” , “Review”. This helps Cubs to discuss , prepare and get everything they need for Camp.

  • Plan– Plan their shopping list and the equipment they will need . Take a look at the Food and decide on things they will need .
  • Do – Prepare and Cook the meals including awareness of hygiene before , after and during – and tidy up afterwards.
  • Review – We get together and talk about how everything went , good points , bad points and what we might do better for next time.


We would like Cubs to cook some food that has a french theme. We have some suggestions below , but we would love Cubs to come up with their own ideas also !

Breakfast Suggestions

French Toast
French Toast in a Mug !
Chocolate Croissant

Lunch Suggestions

BaguetteA french baguette from the shop with a filling of your choice !
Croque Monsieur ( Toasted Cheese ! )

Dinner Suggestions

Ask your Parents / Guardians for some ideas remembering that French Fries go with everything !

French Style Chicken
French Chicken Cordon Bleu
French Savoury Crepe ( or wrap )
French Tomatoe Farcies ( Merci Etienne ! )
French Fries ( Chips!! )Home made or Oven Chips – Your choice 🙂

Dessert Suggestions

Where ever your imagination takes you !

French Palmiers
French Apple Galette

Building & Striking Camp

We suggested the cubs find somewhere different to sleep at home ( other than their bed ! ) . This could be a tent outdoors, a den indoors, on the floor next to their bed. We leave it up to you and your imagination.

Please email photos of camp ( in progress/completed ) – or add to WhatsApp group before 18:00 hrs.

Camping Out.

Please keep an eye on weather forecasts for this weekend , and have a backup plan , just in case !

Camping In !

Suggestions from IKEA !

Striking Camp – this means “taking down” your camp site , and as always ours Cubs need to ensure that they “Leave No Trace”.


Juggling Balls

Need 3 Socks and Pack of Rice.

Family Walk

We would like Cubs to record the distance walked by themselves & Family – Please Message us with the result in Kilometres before 18:00 hrs.


We have provided planting soil and seeds in your pack , please follow Laura’s great video and learning how to plant your seeds !

Online Quiz

We will be using and require each Cub to access this website themselves via device ( preferably tablet/laptop with a bigger screen than a phone ) – Please ensure their device can access this website before we meet up at 19:00 hrs.

Make Bird Feeder

In your pack , you will find Bird Seed and Gelatin. Laura will expertly show you how to make “home made” bird feeders. They do need to be left overnight to set.

Make a Paper Concorde

Paper & Scissors required – Download Instructions PDF – Concorde was a British–French turbojet-powered supersonic passenger airliner that was operated from 1976 until 2003.

British Airways Concorde G-BOAC 03.jpg

Camp Schedule

Saturday10:00hrsOpen Cubs Package for campThis contains items required for activities during camp.
Saturday11:00hrsCamp OpeningZoom ( 60 Minutes )
Saturday 11:00hrsJuggling Balls See Activities Section
3 Socks & Rice Required
SaturdayLunch*Photos Required before 18:00 hrs
SaturdayFamily WalkSee Activities Section
*Distance Required before 18:00 hrs
SaturdayBuilding CampSee Camp Section
*Photos Required before 18:00 hrs
SaturdaySeed PlantingPack contains everything you need except water
*See Video above
SaturdayPhotobooth Cut OutsAssemble the Cut Outs supplied in Pack for use at Zoom meeting
SaturdayDinner*Photos Required
Saturday19:00hrsMeetupZoom ( 60 Minutes )
Saturday 19:00hrsOnline QuizSee Activities Section
SundayBreakfast*Photos Required before 11:00 hrs
SundayStrike CampSee Camp Section
SundayMaking Bird FeedersPack contains everything you need except water
*See Video above
SundayMake a Concorde See Activities Section
Sunday12:00hrsCamp CloseZoom ( 45 Minutes )

Virtual Tours in France !

The Eiffel Tower



Mont Blanc