Patricia Maher , Our Group Leader welcomed all Parents , Family , Friends , Youth members and special Guest Eamonn Murray our Galway County Commissioner.
Stephen Griffin our Group Treasurer thanked Patricia , and gave our 2021/2022 Treasurer report.
Our Section Leads gave their Section Report: Beavers – Derek , Cubs – Stephen , Scouts – Linda , Ventures/Rovers – Sean
Thank you to Sean McCormack for photography.
New Leaders Investiture
Liz ( Beavers ) and Jenny ( Cubs ) were invested into the Group !
Beavers Investiture
We had some Beavers that were invested , and badges presented to our existing members.
Cubs Investiture
We had 2 Cubs Invested , we had a number of 1st Year Cubs pledge the Cubs Promise and all Cubs including our 2nd and 3rd year received their badges earned to date.
Scouts Investiture
We had 2 Scouts Invested , we had a number of 1st Year Scouts pledge the Scout Promise and all Scouts , including our 2nd and 3rd year received their badges earned to date.
Ventures Investiture
We had a number of 1st Year Ventures pledge the Venture Promise and all Ventures received their badges earned to date. Our Ventures received a special commendation for their time spent and offered to the group. This was presented by Eamonn Murray , County Commissioner.
Rovers Investiture
We have one Rover who spends his time working closely with the Venture Group and he received his Badges and a warm welcome from the whole group ! He also received a special commendation for his time spent and offered to the group. This was presented by Eamonn Murray , County Commisioner.
2021/2022 Cubs Chief Scout Awards
1st Year Scouts received their Chief Scout Award for 2021/2022 and was presented by Sarah Morrissey ( previous Cubs section lead ) and Eamonn Murray ,County Commissioner .
Special Presentation
Eamonn Murray presented awards to our Ventures & Rovers for their wonderful service. Also includes individual presentations for Cubs CSA 2021/2022.