Zoom Guidelines for Parents
Zoom Guidelines for Parents
The protection of all children and Scouters ( Leaders ) in our group , their personal private data, their physical and emotional wellbeing is of paramount importance and will serve as the basis for all such virtual meetings.
This list is not an exhaustive list but is a mere guide for consideration.
- By joining in with Zoom meetings, parents are consenting to their child’s involvement in the meeting.
- A Scouter ( Leader ) will be the ‘host’ of such a meeting.
- All meetings will be co-hosted with another Scouter for Child Protection reasons.
- The Scouter will send out the relevant details close to the Meeting time.
- Please do not share the Zoom Link or Meeting details with anyone
- As children under 16 are not of the digital age of consent, parents must login in from their own Zoom account.
- A Waiting room will be used to allow Scouters check Attendees. If Scouters cannot determine who has joined , they will keep you in the waiting room until necessary.
- A Scouter will watch the WhatsApp for any “late comers” & to communicate with anyone in waiting room.
- One on One meetings are not permitted , One to One chat is disabled .
- The recording of meetings will not be permitted.
- Photographs of meetings will not be permitted.
- The sharing of content in relation to such meetings on social media will not be permitted.
- Parents will be required to be in earshot of the meeting at all times, but will not engage in the meeting for child protection reasons.
- All members of the meeting should be appropriately dressed for the meeting.
- Meetings should be conducted in appropriate settings in individual houses – not in bedrooms for example.
- An appropriate background for the meeting should be chosen.
- Scouters will keep a record of those children who attended the meeting.
- General notes of the meeting will be kept. Meeting theme will be posted within a few days on our website – This may include presentations or videos shown during the meeting .
- All participants joining the meeting will be muted initially and should remain muted until the Scouter gives them an opportunity to contribute to the meeting.
- If there is excessive background noise , an attendee may be muted by the Host.
- As with a normal meeting , Scouters will inform the Scouting Ireland DLP if they notice or have any concerns of child protection issues or should a disclosure be made to them. ( See https://www.scouts.ie/Parent/Scouting-Safely/ )
All Youth Members must behave as they would in a normal Scouting meeting
3rd Party Guidelines Downloads & Links
Review https://www.commonsensemedia.org/blog/parents-ultimate-guide-to-zoom
Review https://www.webwise.ie/parents/explainers/explained-what-is-zoom/
Virtual Background