Group Code Of Conduct

For safeguarding and well-being of young people we require codes of conduct of expected behaviors for:  Young People, Parents and Scouters (leaders). Signing a code of conduct is a mandatory requirement of membership and is a Scouting Ireland rule.

The Code of Behavior for Scouters (leaders) is available online and all scouters are trained and  expected to be aware of their obligations and comply with this document.

Youth members – the code of conduct is discussed and drawn up in conjunction with youth members during the first few weeks of the first term. For Beavers and Cubs these are discussed at a meeting and put up on our white board, a photo of the agreed code is taken. They will be reminded of the code if required. 

Scouts and Ventures will require a more formal arrangement. Scouts will prepare their code of conduct as a group and once agreed they are required to sign this group document, which will be included in the standard section documents. This will be kept on file by the Section lead. 

Ventures/Rovers Sections will need to draft an agreed code of conduct together and produce a document/form that is signed individually. These will be kept on file by the Section lead.

Parents/Carers Code of conduct is contained within this page. The purpose of this is to ensure that parents are aware of what is expected of them and their children in order to ensure the safety, wellbeing and happiness of all members.

Typical Content of Youth Members Code of Conduct

In our Group  you should:

  • Be happy, have fun, do your best and enjoy taking part and being involved in Scouting
  • Feel safe and secure when you are taking part in our activities
  • Be listened to and have a chance to reply
  • Be treated with dignity, sensitivity and respect
  • Have a voice in the decisions that affect you within the Group and Scouting Ireland
  • Say no to something which makes you feel uncomfortable
  • Know who you can talk to if you are upset or are uncomfortable in any way

Youth members responsibilities are to: 

  • Treat Scouters (leaders), other youth members in all sections and parents with respect.
  • Do your best to achieve your goals.
  • Be part of the team and support and encourage other team members both when they do well and when things go wrong. Help others and each other.
  • Never bully or use bullying actions against another person; you should never hurt other team members, this includes never taking/damaging their property, never spreading rumours or telling lies about other young people or adults
  • Behave in a manner that is respectful towards your Group, your region and Scouting Ireland
  • Never use violence or bad language; do not shout or argue in an aggressive manner with Scouters, teammates or other group members– talk to someone if you are upset or angry or if someone has caused you to be upset or angry
  • Use the Buddy system, never leave someone behind. 
  • Not take, or allow others to make you take, banned substances on activities (no non prescription drugs or alcohol)
  • LEAVE NO TRACE & Respect the Environment
  • Respect your own and each other’s personal belongings and the group’s equipment. Always return anything borrowed.
  • Be Honest

Parents/Carers Code of Conduct

Your responsibilities are to:  

• Understand and ensure your child/children abide by The Code for Young People 

• Support the ethos of the group

• Listen to your child if they have any concerns about our Group 

• Contribute your time and effort in the running of the group if possible; no club can operate successfully and safely without the help of volunteers 

• Where appointed to a role or duty you should not be under the influence of any banned substance or alcohol whilst involved in any activities 

• Have an awareness of and respect Scouter (leaders) and other adults and their roles 

• Understand the complaints and disciplinary process; follow the proper procedure if you feel unjustly treated and that any complaint/disciplinary matter will be dealt with effectively and confidentially 

• Complete Activity Consent and Medication Forms, which are required for your child’s and other youth members safety,  so if anything has changed at any time please send us an updated form. They are required in case of an emergency situation, we need to be able to pass them onto medical professionals so it’s very important all relevant conditions and medication your child may be taking are noted.

• Accept it is your responsibility for dropping and collecting your child/children to meetings / events. Parents/guardians should ensure they do not leave their child/children waiting unsupervised at any time. Parents are expected to be available to collect children from activities/events/camps if required.

• Ensure Scouters are informed regarding any medical conditions or other relevant matters concerning your child. In particular if your child requires additional help or support above and beyond what is typical of their age group we expect to be informed. This is all strictly confidential and will be acted upon only when it is required. There is absolutely no medical or physical reason a scout can’t fully participate if Scouters are aware, but it could be medically extremely critical for their care.  When out on activities we are legal guardians of your child for the durations. It is very important that we the leaders know if there is any condition or even just a phase your child is going through that is relevant to ensure their and others safety. We are fully inclusive and will try to accommodate all needs, however we need to be aware of any additional needs in order to do so. If we are not informed then the parent takes full responsibility for any repercussions.

• The level of 24 hr supervision on camps provided to youth members is age dependent, older youth members are expected to be more responsible/independent and not require 24hrs supervision. 

• Ensure Scouters are informed regarding any medication required by your child. In particular if your child may require medication during meetings or activities we expect to be informed. If we do not receive a Medication Form from parents then any medication found/taken on activities will be deemed to be unapproved and the youth member will be removed from the activity and parents contacted to collect immediately. The Medication form is for regular required medication or prescription medication and not for a temporary illness, if your child is suffering from a contagious ailment and is currently unwell, please do not send them to join activities. 

• Provide the Scouters with emergency contact information and to be reasonably available in case of emergency 

• Promote that participation in activities for children and young people is fun, safe, fair and in the spirit of fair play 

• Arrange an appropriate time and place for discussing any matter with Scouters; communication should not take place whilst Scouters are in a position of supervision or responsible for other young people 

• Abide by the procedures and policies regarding the use of mobile phones, any type of camera and videoing equipment. Videos and photos shared in WhatsApp groups should not be distributed.

• Be aware that we are a voluntary non profit group, we are trained to a high standard but we are not youth /Special needs professionals. 

• Be aware that if your child engages in illegal/criminal activities while participating in activities, our insurance will not cover costs associated with same. You as legal guardians will be expected to cover any cost incurred that are not redeemable through our insurance. 

• Comply with all additional Scouting Ireland policies and protocols as introduced for groups if wishing to retain membership in the group.