Task 6 Sustainability Goals


Our next task is related to creating a Bug Hotel and discussing Fair Trade.

Cubs make a small habitat which will provide shelter for insects, especially for surviving the winter. We will also discuss Fair trade and Cubs will learn about the concept of Fair Trade, and find what products are available to them locally .


To Do

  • Wood/sticks or other items to make a natural bug hotel ( see below )
  • We will be discussing fair trade so please bring an item/food that was purchased under the fair trade agreement. ( see below )

Bug Hotel


Bit more Advanced..

Fair Trade

We would like Cubs to bring an item/food that was purchased under the fair trade agreement.

Essentially that means , something in your home ( or maybe if they have seen in a shop ) marked with the Fair Trade agreement logo .

File:FairTrade-Logo.svg - Wikimedia Commons

Fair Trade system

The Fairtrade system -