Sustainability Badge

Sustainability Badge

There is a global effort launched by the UN a number of years ago. Scouting worldwide have got involved big time and now we are doing our part also !  For more about Global Project see


We will follow the “Sustainable Scouting from Home” programme which has a badge at the end , but we need to make sure we complete all of the tasks.

Each week we will show some “Information” related to each task , we will then give the “To do” for each week. Dont worry if you miss a week , you can catch up as long as we have all completed by Week 8. 

  • Completed 8 tasks over the next 9 meetings
  • Includes making a bug hotel, cooking, water filters, plot a course, appreciate nature

See below for the Weekly Tasks divided up into “Information , To do & Photos”

Please have Parents send Photos to the Whats App group