Our Beavers had some great fun on Wednesday when they had great fun cracking codes to solve a Pirate Mystery!
( Parents – both Presentations are available , just click on the “Download” Button – thanks ! )

Beavers had great fun solving all kinds of puzzles and learning about maps including “grid references” which is an important part of reading maps and will become more important for things like orienteering , hikes and more adventures !

The beavers also learned about “Morse Code” and in particular about the use of “SOS”

As if the jam packed session wasnt enough for our intrepid adventurers , they raised the anchor and sailed to “Beaver Island” where further exploration awaits.

Beavers had to put their skills to the test and navigate virtually around Beaver Island and figure out a way to escape !

Great fun was had by all and Beavers learned a lot along the way !