License applied for and granted by Coilte. See recreation & permits license information
Our Cubs and 3rd year Beavers were very lucky with the weather on Sunday 30th May. There was great planning put into the event organised by Kilcoona Cub Scouters. It was decided that 3rd year Beavers would be invited along to “get to meet” their counterparts in Cubs and experience all that goes along with some great fun with Backwoods.

Cubs Section Lead Sarah Morrisey welcomed everyone and laid our some ground rules owing to the fact we were in a public forest. We had applied and were granted a license by Coilte.
There were special instructions we had to adhere to , including maintaining our COVID-19 procedures , with max 15 per group. We had 2 split groups with 15 and 14 respectively.
We also had to protect the area around any fire we would light. We carry out this process regardless to protect the forest.
Our groups were split into 2 and we setup camp. First tasks were to unload in a tidy fashion , then the group was set off to search for wood to use for our campfire.
Scouters setup the campfire and the goal was to minimise campfire impact on the surroundings. Scouters walked through the steps with the Cubs who were advised that this was to meet our license requirements but also to keep the forest safe from fire.
- Clear Area
- Dig hole
- Place Fireblanket ( be careful as older & worn blankets can shed fibreglass ) into the “pit”. This protects the ground from direct flame & heat.
- Use the mud to create approx 2inches of a base on top of the blanket.
- Place stones in a circle around the pit , the stones provide further protection to the surroundings from flames/logs
- Establish safe area around the campfire , no running , no gear.
- Establish Fire Safety Zone with a Fireblanket , Sand and Water.
- Starting with kindling , light your fire.

A hole was dug by a number of Cubs/Beavers and there was fierce competition to see who could dig the most! Our Cubs also showed the Beavers how to collect and store firewood in order of size !
Getting the fire up and running ! Flint and steel was used with a little cotton wool and kindling. Our Cubs had collected small dry twigs and some dry moss. We also had some cat hair collected from a carpet ! All helped to get the fire going. It was actually one of our Beavers who got the fire started with a massive strike of the flint !
Once the fire got going , Cubs were subdivided into 3 groups , lead by a 3rd year Cub and a beaver or 2 in each , so they could learn from their peers! Our 3rd year Cubs did a great job teaching the beavers , and showed them how to construct a shelter , including a clove hitch or 2 !

Our Scout section have actually slept in Shelters like the Cubs/Beavers built ! ( some examples )
Time for something to eat – There were sausages ( pre-boiled by our Scouter Chef de Partry Shrule ) , rashers , black and white pudding with hot chocolate to wash it down !
And when we left , it was like we weren’t even there – “Leave no trace” always ! Shelters were dismantled and sticks placed in random locations for the next group . Water was poured on the fire and stones until fire was hot and stones were cold. Fire blanket was removed , muck spread , leaves on top – And abracadabra ( thank you Google spelling ) – we left just as we found.
A great day was had by all , plenty of tired Beavers , Cubs and Scouters !